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Weber Number Calculator

The Weber Number is especially used for multiphase flows with strongly curved surfaces.





  • ρ = Density
  • v = Velocity
  • L = Characteristic Length
  • σ = Surface Tension
  • We = Weber Number

Defination / Uses

Density is the mass of a material substance per unit volume. Density is calculated using the formula d = M/V, where d represents density, M is mass, and V is volume. The density of a substance is usually measured in grammes per cm³.

The Weber number is termed as a dimensionless number in fluid mechanics which is often used in analysing fluid flows where there is an interface between two different fluids.





  • v = Velocity
  • L = Characteristic Length
  • σ = Surface Tension
  • We = Weber Number
  • ρ = Density

Defination / Uses

The concept of velocity for an object is the rate at which the object's position changes in relation to a frame of reference and time. It's a vector quantity, which means we need both magnitude (speed) and direction (orientation) to define velocity. Its SI unit is meter per second (m/s). When the amount or direction of a body's velocity changes, the body is said to be accelerating.

The Weber number is termed as a dimensionless number in fluid mechanics which is often used in analysing fluid flows where there is an interface between two different fluids.



Characteristic Length


  • L = Characteristic Length
  • σ = Surface Tension
  • We = Weber Number
  • ρ = Density
  • v = Velocity

Defination / Uses

Characteristic length is a crucial dimension in physics that specifies the scale of a physical system. Characteristic length is defined in computational mechanics to force localization of a stress softening constitutive equation. An integration point is referred to the length.

The Weber number is termed as a dimensionless number in fluid mechanics which is often used in analysing fluid flows where there is an interface between two different fluids.



Surface Tension


  • σ = Surface Tension
  • We = Weber Number
  • ρ = Density
  • v = Velocity
  • L = Characteristic Length

Defination / Uses

The ability of fluid surfaces to shrink to the smallest feasible surface area is known as surface tension. Have you ever noticed that even after you've filled a glass halfway with water, you can still add a few more drops till it overflows? Have you ever broken a thermometer and watched how the mercury reacts when it falls? All of this occurs as a result of the surface's surface tension.

The Weber number is termed as a dimensionless number in fluid mechanics which is often used in analysing fluid flows where there is an interface between two different fluids.



Weber Number


  • We = Weber Number
  • ρ = Density
  • v = Velocity
  • L = Characteristic Length
  • σ = Surface Tension

Defination / Uses

In fluid mechanics, the Weber number is a characteristic number. It depicts the ratio between deforming inertial forces and stabilising cohesive forces for liquids moving across a fluid medium as a dimensionless number.

Spray droplets disperse more easily and oil drops in an aqueous environment split apart more easily as the deforming force increases due to a greater speed or longer process length. This process is slowed down by a high surface or interfacial tension.

Spray droplets disperse more easily and oil drops in an aqueous environment split apart more easily as the deforming force increases due to a greater speed or longer process length. This process is slowed down by a high surface or interfacial tension.