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Image Watermark Placer

Image Watermark Placer is used to Secure Photos/Images with Custom Watermarks.



Drop Image to Place Watermark



Choose image which place on you image watermark


Drop Image to Place Watermark


website for their identification. You can put your batch watermark at the exact position where you want. It's a customizable watermark tool. It makes your photos official by copyright my photos with watermark, trademark, or a registered symbol.

To protect photos/images, add a logo or text on it as a watermark. It is beneficial to use it because everybody prefers to use their own watermark photos on a

How to add a watermark online?

Here are some following steps:

Step 1: Type of Watermark

Choose a type of watermark Text or Image. By choosing the text, you can add a text on an image as a watermark. By selecting Image you can add a logo image as a watermark.

Step 2: Select Color/Image

If you are using text select the text color. Otherwise, if you have selected the image option, choose a logo image as a watermark. Always use the png image format here.

Step 3: Apply Transparency

Select the transparency level by increasing or decreasing its number.

Step 4: Watermark position

Select the position to place a watermark on an image. You can set the watermark on left, right, top, or bottom on the image.

Step 5: Select Image

Choose an image you want to watermark. You can select only one image at once.

Step 6: Download image

Press the “Place Watermark” button. In just a second the “Download” button will appear on the output side. Press the “Download” to save your watermark images.

Our online watermark tool is fully secure. The original file will be automatically deleted from our server. It's a quick and user-friendly tool. The downloading links will be visible only on the user screen. Add text, logo, image, symbol, brand name, or copyright on image what you want by using this tool. No signup, Captcha, or price plan requires to use our tools.