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Alphabet Case Changer

This tool Transform the Text from Lowercase to Uppercase and Uppercase to Lowercase.




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Alphabet case changer is a simple free web tool that converts lowercase to upper case and uppercase to lowercase. Sometimes we have a document that is written in lower case alphabets and we need upper case alphabets, what we to do? Our simple and easy to use alphabet case changing tool will help you.

Case Converter tool

It converts small letters to capital and vice versa, paste your text and click on convert, the result will be displayed within seconds.

Lower Case

If you are wondering about how to change capital letters to small letters? Our Case converter tool will help you to do - it converts all the uppercase letters into lowercase letters. Simply copy the text that you need to convert into lower case and paste the text in the input box. For example

this text is in lower case

Upper Case

The upper case will generate all the text into upper case. Simple you have to select the text that you need changing and paste into the box.


Alternating Case

In this case, you can convert your Alternating text into lower case OR Upper case.

tHiS Is aN ExAmPlE Of aLtErNaTiNg cAsE

Is this tool secure?

Yes! Our wee tools are 100% secure. Not a single error facing while converting your text into another form. You can copy the converted text just by clicking on the copy icon. Wee.Tools provides not only the tools, but it also provides easiness to use any of our web tools. No need to sign-up or Captcha or budget plan. Simple browse wee tools site and use any of our tools free. Also, you can request a publically helpful web tool. We will try our best. Thank you!