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Fraction Calculator

Fraction Calculator is use to calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of 2 and 3 fractions.




If the denominator of two fractions differs, make comparable fractions to obtain a common denominator. Between two fractions, the operations sum, sub, multiply, and divide can be performed.

Defination / Uses

If the denominator of two fractions differs, make comparable fractions to obtain a common denominator. Between two fractions, the operations sum, sub, multiply, and divide can be performed.




If the denominator of three fractions differs, make comparable fractions to obtain a common denominator. Between three fractions, the operations sum, sub, multiply, and divide can be performed.

Defination / Uses

If the denominator of three fractions differs, make comparable fractions to obtain a common denominator. Between three fractions, the operations sum, sub, multiply, and divide can be performed.

A fractional number, often known as a fraction, is a representation of a portion of a whole number. A fraction is made up of two numbers, one on top of the other. The numerator is the first integer above the line. The denominator is the second number, which is positioned below the line. The total number of equal parts into which anything is divided is known as the denominator. The numerator indicates how many of these equal portions must be taken into account. The line that separates each number might be referred to as "out of" to make fractions easier to recall. As a result, a fraction represented as 3/5 simply denotes three pieces from a total of five equal sections.