Request a Tool

URL Encoder and Decoder

URL Encoder and Decoder tool helps maintain the accuracy and integrity of URL.




By using URL encoding the characters which are allowed in a URL may be reserved or unreserved. Those characters that sometimes have some special meaning are reserved characters. On the other side characters have no meanings are unreserved characters. By using percent encoding, those characters which are otherwise not allowed but this time allowed using.

The simple mean is that there is a set of unreserved characters that we cannot use in any case but by URL decoding we can use these characters. URLs can be sent over the internet by the ASCII set. Since a URL which contain outside ASCII set, the URL has to be converted to valid ASCII format. URL encoding replaces unsafe ASCII characters by % followed by two hexadecimal digits. URLs can’t contain any space. If there is any space JavaScript changes it into 20%.

URL decoding uses to decode the coded URL. It means that it converts the encoded URL into its real form. Let’s try an example: The URL is:
By encoding URL its change into:
By decoding the ended URL it’s changed into