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Nusselt Number Calculator

To calculate nusselt number enter values in given input box by using this nusselt number calculator.



Heat Transfer Coefficient


  • h = Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient
  • L = Characteristic Length
  • k = Thermal Conductivity of the Fluid
  • Nu = Nusselt Number

Defination / Uses

The Nusselt Number is a dimensionless number used in mass transfer research. The symbol 'Nu' stands for the Nusselt Number.



Characteristic Length


  • L = Characteristic Length
  • h = Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient
  • k = Thermal Conductivity of the Fluid
  • Nu = Nusselt Number

Defination / Uses

The Nusselt Number is a dimensionless number used in mass transfer research. The symbol 'Nu' stands for the Nusselt Number.



Thermal Conductivity


  • k = Thermal Conductivity of the Fluid
  • h = Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient
  • L = Characteristic Length
  • Nu = Nusselt Number

Defination / Uses

The Nusselt Number is a dimensionless number used in mass transfer research. The symbol 'Nu' stands for the Nusselt Number.



Nusselt Number


  • Nu = Nusselt Number
  • h = Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient
  • L = Characteristic Length
  • k = Thermal Conductivity of the Fluid

Defination / Uses

The Nusselt Number is a dimensionless number used in mass transfer research. The symbol 'Nu' stands for the Nusselt Number.

How to use nusselt number calculator?

There are only two basic steps.

  • First select the option from dropdown. What you need to calculate.
  • Then add the other values in their corresponding fields.

Thats it! You will get your answer in less than a second. Use upper given formula in case of manual calculation.

The Nusselt number is the proportion of convective heat transfer to conductive heat transfer over a boundary. Using several formulas, this complex online Nusselt Number Calculator calculates the various parameters of Nusselt Number. The Nusselt number is a dimensionless parameter that is used in heat transfer calculations between a flowing fluid and a solid body. A boundary layer, such as the bounding surface in the interior of a pipe, is an area where these forces change behaviour. For quick calculation use our weetools. No sign-up, registration OR captcha is required to use this tool.