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INR( transnational regularized rate) is an logical computation created to unify the prothrombin time( PT) acquired in different laboratories using different reagents. To put it simply because of the creation of INR, all Polish, American, and Chinese croakers can talk about the PTs of their cases together without getting confused with its colorful values.

The advanced the INR, the longer it takes for the blood to clot. Elevated INR may inform us of an increased threat of bleeding, while low INR can mean a possibility of thromboembolism complications.

A PT INR test is a simple and effective way of controlling the treatment of people that suffer from atrial fibrillation, mechanical heart faucets, thromboembolism, stroke, or any complaint of the supplemental highway:

  • INR < 1.1- the average position for a healthy person, who not presently being treated with any anticoagulation medicines.
  • 1.1 < INR < 2.0- an elevated position of INR, not yet sufficient to diagnose case being treated with anticoagulation medicines. A possible sign of a liver insufficiency.
  • 2.0 ≤ INR ≤3.0- the remedial position for people treated with warfarin & other, aged types of anticoagulants.
  • INR>3.0- the INR is too high and may pose the threat of inordinate bleeding ❗ This position of INR might be recommended for people who have the aged generation of artificial heart stopcock.

What are the symptoms of high INR levels?

  • Nosebleeds, bleeding epoxies, heavy ages in women
  • Vomiting that looks like coffee grounds, black droppings
  • Headache, confusion( due to intracranial bleeding)
  • Robotic bruising
  • Abdominal pain( in case of internal bleeding to the tummy)
  • Chest pain
  • Joints and muscles pains